07th Expansion Wiki
07th Expansion Wiki

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mei features seals (シール), items that can be equipped in unit subslots to give them stats and abilities. Seals take the form of artwork, usually screenshots from Higurashi Gou and Sotsu episodes or promotional artwork. This pages lists all of them.

Higurashi Gou Seals[]

Image Name Source Acquisition Method
Mei seals (1)
Surprise Attack (奇襲攻撃) Higurashi Gou Episode 1 Login reward after the airing of Episode 1.
Mei seals (2)
Repeating Fragments (繰り返されるカケラ) Higurashi Gou Episode 2 Login reward after the airing of Episode 2.
Mei seals (3)
LIES! (嘘だッ!) Higurashi Gou Episode 3 Login reward after the airing of Episode 3.
Mei seals (4)
Smiling Arbitrator (笑顔の調停者) Higurashi Gou Episode 4 Login reward after the airing of Episode 4.
Mei seals (5)
Devilish Insight (悪魔的ひらめき) Higurashi Gou Episode 5 Login reward after the airing of Episode 5.
Mei seals (6)
One Step Higher (一枚上手) Higurashi Gou Episode 6 Login reward after the airing of Episode 6.
Mei seals (7)
Chat With a Poor Cat (悪いネコのはなし) Higurashi Gou Episode 7 Login reward after the airing of Episode 7.
Mei seals (8)
Mion's Warning (魅音の注意) Higurashi Gou Episode 8 Login reward after the airing of Episode 8.
Mei seals (9)
Turnaround Farewell Homerun (逆転サヨナラホームラン) Higurashi Gou Episode 9 Login reward after the airing of Episode 9.
Mei seals (10)
My Enjoyment (ボクの楽しみ) Higurashi Gou Episode 10 Login reward after the airing of Episode 10.
Mei seals (11)
You're Equally Guilty (お前も同罪) Higurashi Gou Episode 11 Login reward after the airing of Episode 11.
Mei seals (12)
Don't Lose Heart (挫けない) Higurashi Gou Episode 12 Login reward after the airing of Episode 12.
Mei seals (13)
Everyone Died (みんな死んじゃった) Higurashi Gou Episode 13 Login reward after the airing of Episode 13.
Mei seals (14)
Very Very Scary Dream (とてもとても怖い夢) Higurashi Gou Episode 14 Login reward after the airing of Episode 14.
Mei seals (15)
Open Your Eyes (目を覚まして) Higurashi Gou Episode 15 Login reward after the airing of Episode 15.
Mei seals (16)
Club Activities Just For Fun (遊びとはいえ部活) Higurashi Gou Episode 16 Login reward after the airing of Episode 16.
Mei seals (17)
Valued Present (とっておきのプレゼント) Higurashi Gou Episode 17 Login reward after the airing of Episode 17.
Mei seals (18)
Promising Newcomer (期待のルーキー) Higurashi Gou Episode 18 Login reward after the airing of Episode 18.
Mei seals (19)
Hey, Rika? (ねえ、梨花?) Higurashi Gou Episode 19 Login reward after the airing of Episode 19.
Mei seals (20)
Punishment Game (罰ゲーム) Higurashi Gou Episode 20 Login reward after the airing of Episode 20.
Mei seals (21)
Good Tidings to You, Then (それではごきげんよう) Higurashi Gou Episode 21 Login reward after the airing of Episode 21.
Mei seals (22)
I Hate It A Lot! (大っ嫌いですのよ!) Higurashi Gou Episode 22 Login reward after the airing of Episode 22.
Mei seals (23)
I'll Take the Name of Eua (エウアと名乗ろうぞ) Higurashi Gou Episode 23 Login reward after the airing of Episode 23.
Mei seals (25)
Rena's Smiling Face (レナの笑顔) Higurashi Gou Episode 1 Intended as a login reward to commemorate the ending of Higurashi GOU, but was delayed to March 22nd.
Mei seals (26)
Angel Mort (エンジェルモート) Higurashi Gou Episode 2 Intended as a login reward to commemorate the ending of Higurashi GOU, but was delayed to March 23rd.
Mei seals (27)
Ambush (不意打ち) Higurashi Gou Episode 16 Intended as a login reward to commemorate the ending of Higurashi GOU, but was delayed to March 24th.
Mei seals (28)
In the Name of Keiichi Maebara (前原圭一の名の下に) Higurashi Gou Episode 18 Intended as a login reward to commemorate the ending of Higurashi GOU, but was delayed to March 25th.
Mei seals (30)
Studying For Tests (受験勉強) Higurashi Gou Episode 19 Intended as a login reward to commemorate the ending of Higurashi GOU, but was delayed to March 26th.
Mei seals (29)
It Will Be As You Desire (そなたの思いのままであるな) Higurashi Gou Episode 24 Intended as a login reward after the airing of Episode 24, but was delayed to March 26th.
Mei seals (55)
Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 1 (ひぐらし業BD/DVD其の壱) Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 1 artwork Obtainable through a serial code that came with the respective BD/DVD.
Mei seals (31)
Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 2 (ひぐらし業BD/DVD其の弐) Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 2 artwork Obtainable through a serial code that came with the respective BD/DVD.
Mei seals (32)
Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 3 (ひぐらし業BD/DVD其の参) Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 3 artwork Obtainable through a serial code that came with the respective BD/DVD.
Mei seals (33)
Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 4 (ひぐらし業BD/DVD其の四) Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 4 artwork Obtainable through a serial code that came with the respective BD/DVD.
Mei seals (34)
Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 5 (ひぐらし業BD/DVD其の伍) Higurashi Gou BD/DVD Volume 5 artwork Obtainable through a serial code that came with the respective BD/DVD.

Higurashi Sotsu Seals[]

Image Name Source Acquisition Method
Mei seals (35)
Awakening (目覚め) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 1 Login reward after the airing of Episode 1.
Mei seals (36)
Rina's Confession (リナの告白) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 2 Login reward after the airing of Episode 2.
Mei seals (37)
A Kitchen Knife Will Also Work (包丁も使っていいんだ) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 3 Login reward after the airing of Episode 3.
Mei seals (38)
Satoko's a Goddess of Luck (沙都子は幸運の女神じゃ) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 4 Login reward after the airing of Episode 4.
Mei seals (39)
What Did You Say? (何か言った?) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 5 Login reward after the airing of Episode 5.
Mei seals (40)
Sorry (ごめんね) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 6 Login reward after the airing of Episode 6.
Mei seals (41)
All According to Plan (計画通り) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 7 Login reward after the airing of Episode 7.
Mei seals (42)
Worthty Of Praise Indeed (実に称賛に値する) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 8 Login reward after the airing of Episode 8.
Mei seals (43)
I Wanted to Help Satoko (沙都子を助けて欲しいんね) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 9 Login reward after the airing of Episode 9.
Mei seals (44)
I Want To Be With Rika Forever (梨花とずっと一緒にいたい) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 10 Login reward after the airing of Episode 10.
Mei seals (45)
I've Finally Solved the Mystery (やっと謎が解けたんですよ) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 11 Login reward after the airing of Episode 11.
Mei seals (46)
You'll Be Safe Soon, Rika-chan! (梨花ちゃん、もう安心だよ!) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 12 Login reward after the airing of Episode 12.
Mei seals (47)
Know Your Place (立場をわきまえよ) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 13 Login reward after the airing of Episode 13.
Mei seals (48)
I'll Believe In Miracles! (跡を信じるのですっ!) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 14 Login reward after the airing of Episode 14.
Mei seals (49)
Restoration (修復) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 15 Login reward after the airing of Episode 15.
Mei seals (50)
Back To Those Days (あの頃に) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 15 Login reward after the airing of Episode 15.
Mei teppei 2022 seal
I'm A Supermarket Master (わしやスーパーの達人じゃ) Higurashi Sotsu Episode 15 Login reward for April Fools' Day 2022 and to commemorate the release of "Infection Outbreak" Teppei unit.

Events and Collabs[]

Image Name Source Acquisition Method
Mei seals (53)
CLANNAD CLANNAD original artwork CLANNAD event reward
Mei seals (54)
CLANNAD's Nagisa Furukawa (CLANNAD古河渚) CLANNAD original artwork CLANNAD event reward
Mei seals (52)
Acknowledge Me As A Witch! (妾を魔女と認めよ!) Original artwork by Natsumi Kei. Umineko event reward
Mei seals (51)
The Tea Party of Witches of Miracle and Certainty (奇跡×絶対の魔女のお茶会) Original artwork by Natsumi Kei. Umineko event reward


Image Name Source Acquisition Method
Mei seals (24)
Lost Childrens' Wish (迷い子たちの願い) Higurashi Mei original artwork Login reward for New Year's Day 2021.
Mei seals (56)
Reformed Teppei (改心した鉄平) Higurashi Mei original artwork Login reward for April Fools Day 2021.