Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Comic Anthology: Togayurushi-hen (咎赦し編 Sin-Forgiving Chapter) is the sixth volume of the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Comic Anthology published by Ichijinsha.
Artists and Contributions[]
Contribution | Artist |
Front Cover | Keiji Mori (森 圭治) |
Back Cover | Fujitaka |
Inner Flap | Mogura Anagura |
Title Page | Zenkou |
Bonus Illustration 1 | Marine (麻璃音) |
Bonus Illustration 2 | Tokio Shima (志摩 時緒) |
Bonus Illustration 3 | Kronosaurus (くろのさうるす) |
Bonus Illustration 4 | Senri Ebisu |
Punishments and Punishments and Punishment Games (罰と罰と罰ゲーム) | Kousuke Kurose |
That's A Secret! (ないしょ!) | Kaname Uchimura |
Atonement (つぐない) | RikaON |
Dora-Pon Quest: Rika's Great Adventure(ドラポンクエスト梨花の大冒険) | Kazuya Tani (谷 和也) |
Dreamlike All-Cast Review Session (夢のお疲れさま会) | Adoventyara (あどべんちゃら) |
Don't Lie, Keiichi-kun (圭一くんウソつかない) | Strike Heisuke |
Protection From the Shadows?! (陰カラまもる!?) | Seia Hiiragi |
Baseball's the Name of the Game (野球という名の |
Kronosaurus (くろのさうるす) |
Journey to the Future (未来への旅) | Kei Masuyama (ますやまけい) |
Your Hobbies Are? (ご趣味は?) | Tomo (智) |
BOXING PARADISE | Madoka Kageyama (景山まどか) |
Karma (カルマ) | Juri Misaki (みさき樹理) |
Even In A Dream, I Can See You (夜でもキミが見えるのは。) | Yutaka Matsuzaki (まつざき雄嵩) |
With Just One Word (たったひとことで) | Hiroyoshi Koutake |