Gakkou Youkai Kikou (学校妖怪紀行, lit. School Yōkai Travelogue) is a light novel and manga series written by Ryukishi07. The light novel was originally serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Dragon Age Pure magazine from November 29, 2006 to June 20, 2007 with 3 total installments. It was originally serialized under the title Gakkou Youkai Kikou: Dai-hachi Kaidan Boshūchū (学校妖怪紀行 第八怪談募集中, lit. School Yōkai Travelogue: Recruiting the Eighth Ghost Story) and was illustrated by Nishieda.
A manga was announced to begin serialization in Dragon Age Pure Vol. 6 starting on August 20, 2007. The manga was serialized under the title Gakkou Youkai Kikou: You (学校妖怪紀行 ~葉~) and was illustrated by Izumi Rei. A prologue chapter was released in Dragon Age Pure Vol. 5, alongside the final part of the light novel.
The series was reimagined into the visual novel and manga series Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni, which reused characters and concepts. In particular, Gakkou Youkai Kikou's light novel subtitle was reused as the name of the first arc in the Higanbana manga and was later renamed to Mesomeso-san in The First Night visual novel release. The visual novel version of Mesomeso-san additionally reuses most if not all of the light novel's script with minimal changes and additions. The Gakkou Youkai Kikou manga prologue shows what appears to be Shuuichi Arimori and Headmaster.
The eighth mystery following the seven mysteries of the school...
The story focusing on the school ghost stories continues. The seven mysteries of the school...Seven great youkai that reside within. It is said that youkai collect the thoughts of humans.
The Dancing Higanbana, the third ranked of the seven great school youkai, invites a girl into the land of the dead...
The wheels of fate begin to turn when she meets that youkai...What is her answer?!
A completely, brand new, original short story, "School Youkai Travelogue: Recruiting the Eighth Ghost Story". The melodic psychological horror finally begins!!
(Translated from novel page on old 07th Expansion website)
完全新作オリジナル小説「学校妖怪紀行 第八怪談募集中」。旋律のマインド・ホラーがついに開幕です!!Chapters[]
Light Novel[]
Part | Magazine Volume | Release Date |
1 | Dragon Age Pure Vol. 3 | November 29, 2006 |
2 | Dragon Age Pure Vol. 4 | April 20, 2007 |
3 | Dragon Age Pure Vol. 5 | June 20, 2007 |
Chapter | Magazine Volume | Release Date |
Prologue | Dragon Age Pure Vol. 5 | June 20, 2007 |
1 | N/A | N/A |
Plot Summary (Manga)[]
A doll-like girl, the Dancing Higanbana, meets a girl named Marie alone in a classroom and asks if she knows about the school's seven wonders. There's also an eighth wonder named Mesomeso-san. Marie feels a pain in her head, having felt like she's met Higanbana before. Higanbana explains that Mesomeso-san resides in an old school bathroom, and that they cry out with "meso, meso" because they were strangled to death. Higanbana addresses Marie and takes her hand, surprising her since she knows her name, and offers to show her Mesomeso-san. Marie takes her hand and learns Higanbana's name.
Promos and Sketches[]
Light Novel[]
External Links[]