07th Expansion Вики



Кухня особняка

Столовая особняка

Комната Джессики

Комната с трупом Кирие

Двор особняка

Котельная особняка

Склад розария

Двор особняка

Кухня особняка

Парадный вход особняка (с метаслоем)

Золотая Земля

Цветной текст

В организационных целях этот раздел будет разделен на сумерки или мистерии. Каждый подраздел будет включать информацию как из первой, так и из второй половины боя, обозначенную соответствующим образом.

Жизненный статус Кинзо

Теория Баттлера

  • Уширомия Кинзо уже мертв! Так что истинное количество людей на острове 17! Если добавить неизвестного человека X, получится 18 человек. Если предположить существование этого человека X, преступление возможно, даже если у всех 17 человек есть алиби. Таким образом, несмотря на то, что количество людей достигает 18, преступник X все еще может существовать и совершать преступления, даже если кажется, что у всех 18 человек есть алиби!!

Кинзо в четвёртой игре

  • Беатриче: Твоё главное оружие, этот 18-й человек X, основано на теории о том, что Кинзо уже мертв. Я знала, что ты сделаешь это заявление. Вот почему я забрала Кинзо из его кабинета. Все члены семейной конференции видели этого Кинзо, верно? Все, кто встречался на семейной конференции, признали присутствие Кинзо!
  • Баттлер: Но дед был тяжело болен, прикован к постели на грани жизни и смерти, да? Если бы он был настолько измучен, что выглядел как другой человек, может быть, всем было бы все равно, верно?
  • Баттлер: Этот дедушка был другим человеком, двойником. Другой человек, которого родственники приняли за дедушку!
  • Беатриче: Никто бы не перепутал Уширомию Кинзо с первого взгляда. Независимо от того, какая маскировка может быть использована, они не перепутают Уширомию Кинзо с первого взгляда!
  • Баттлер: Во второй игре, когда ты объявила красным, что существует пять мастер-ключей, хотя в первой игре их могло быть больше пяти, вы изменили предпосылки более поздних игр. Так что вполне возможно, что статус жизни или смерти Кинзо был изменен только в 4-й игре. Следовательно, существование Кинзо в четвертой игре не служит доказательством того, что он существовал в предыдущих играх...! Поэтому, даже если предположить, что шесть убийств в столовой совершил Дедушка, это ничему не противоречит!
  • Баттлер (запрос повторения): «Кинзо был жив в начале каждой игры».
  • Беатриче отказывается
  • Баттлер: Моя теория состоит в том, что имя Кинзо стало титулом главы семьи Уширомия! Уширомия Кинзо был уже мертв. И он передал «это имя» кому-то другому! Все это признали!! Таким образом, «Все, кто встречался на семейной конференции, признали присутствие Кинзо»!! Не было даже нужды маскироваться под дедушку. Потому что все признали нового «Кинзо»! Итак, «на самом деле они не ошиблись с Кинзо на вид»!! Пока эта теория не опровергнута, ничто не может изменить факт твоей смерти!!!
  • Баттлер (просьба повторить): «Среди всех людей там ни у кого не было нескольких разных имен»
  • Кинзо отказывается
  • Беатриче: Статус жизни или смерти Кинзо одинаков в начале всех наших игр. Настройка не изменилась только для четвертой игры...!
  • Баттлер: Уширомия Кинзо был уже мертв! Верно, ты определенно заслуживаешь жалости, потому что всякий раз, когда мы находим твой труп, он всегда полностью сожжен. Это был способ скрыть тот факт, что с момента твоей смерти прошло много времени!! Затем ты передал имя кому-то другому!! Согласно этой теории, несмотря на то, что «ты» были мертв, «Кинзо» смог появиться на семейной конференции!!!

Подтверждение смерти Кинзо

  • Беатриче: Как ты рассуждал, Кинзо уже мертв в начале всех игр!
  • Беатриче: До сих пор я заявляла, что на этом острове существует не более 18 человек. Я уменьшу это на единицу ради Кинзо!! На этом острове не более 17 человек!! Это исключает любого 18-го человека. Короче, такого 18-го лица Х не существует!! Это касается всех игр!!!

Первая игра, первые сумерки

Шесть трупов были найдены на складе розария. Лица Рудольфа, Кирие, Розы и Годы были полностью уничтожены, а лица Краусса и Шаннон — наполовину. Трупы опознали по одежде. Ева, Хидэёши, Гендши и Канон первыми обнаружили тела. Хранилище можно открыть только одним ключом от комнаты для прислуги, который нашелся там на своем месте.

После отрицания 18-го человека

  • Баттлер: Нет ничего странного в убийстве шестерых родственников, найденных в садовом сарае в самом начале! Преступление было возможно для любого из тех, у кого не было алиби!!
  • Беатриче признает законность своего синего цвета.

Первая игра, вторые сумерки

Трупы Евы и Хидэёши были найдены в комнате для гостей с пронзенными кольями во лбу. Ева была найдена на кровати в туфлях, а Хидэёши был в ванне с водой.

Генджи и Канон нашли дверь запертой. Генджи использовал отмычку, чтобы открыть дверь, но обнаружил, что цепочка все еще натянута. Генджи пошел за Нанджо и Нацухи, а Канон пошел с Кумасавой за кусачками. Канон и Кумасава, вернувшиеся первыми, нашли магический круг, нарисованный на двери, всего за пять минут. Затем Канон перерезал цепь и нашёл тела, а вскоре последовали и остальные.

После отрицания 18-го человека

  • Беатриче: Обе смерти были убийствами! Это не тот случай, когда после постройки закрытого помещения один из них покончил жизнь самоубийством, совершив убийство! Более того, убийство было совершено с потерпевшим и преступником в одной комнате! Для преступника не существует способа совершить убийство из-за пределов комнаты!
  • Баттлер: Предположим, что виновником был человек без алиби. Другими словами, мертвые! Мы не смогли опознать некоторых из первых шести трупов из-за разбитых лиц. Возможно, один из них на самом деле был замаскированным трупом, и преступник Х убил тех двоих, заставив нас думать, что они жертвы, и спрятавшись! Затем, после того, как было сконструировано убийство в закрытой комнате, преступник спрятался под кроватью и стал ждать, пока мы все придем и уйдем!!
  • Беатриче принимает этот аргумент.

Первая игра, пятые сумерки

Канон и Кумасава обнаружили источник зловония в котельной. Канон бросился вперед и приготовился противостоять Беатриче, но был проткнут колом в грудь. Ему удалось вытащить кол из своего тела. Остальные выжившие вскоре ворвались и нашли его раненым. Баттлер, обнаружив, что другая дверь в котельную не заперта, попытался преследовать виновных, но не нашел их. Канон был отнесен в комнату для прислуги и обработан Нанджо, а за ним последовали Джордж, Кумасава и Джессика. Однако попытки Нанджо оказались тщетными, и вскоре после этого Канон умер.

После отрицания 18-го человека

  • Беатриче: У всех выживших есть алиби! Включаем и мертвых!! Короче говоря, ни один человек или мертвец на острове не мог убить Канона!
  • Баттлер: Если бы никто не мог убить его, то, возможно, убил бы он!! Канон-кун мог покончить с собой.
  • Баттлер (запрос повторения): «Канон-кун не совершал самоубийства»
  • Беатриче: Канон не совершал самоубийство
  • Баттлер (просьба повторить): «Смерть Канона-куна была убийством»
  • Беатриче отказывается
  • Баттлер: Канон-кун умер по причине, которая не была ни самоубийством, ни убийством. Подробности неизвестны, но он погиб в результате несчастного случая. Из-за Доказательства дьявола я отказываюсь объяснять, какая ошибка могла привести к случайной смерти, когда ему в грудь вонзили кол!!
  • Беатриче признаёт этот аргумент.

Первая игра, шестые-восьмые сумерки

Трупы Генджи, Нанджо и Кумасавы были найдены в гостиной Нацухи, Джессикой, Джорджем и Баттлером. Их лица были разбиты, а колья были воткнуты в живот, колено и стопу соответственно. Комната была заперта, и Джордж открыл ее ключами слуг. Группа также обнаружила, что Мария стоит лицом к стене и поет песню. Она утверждает, что Беатриче вошла в комнату с помощью магии, а затем убила остальных, сказав ей сделать это, чтобы не стать свидетелем их убийств. Она повиновалась.

После отрицания 18-го человека

  • Беатриче: Естественно, Мария, находившаяся в той же комнате, их не убивала! И, конечно же, их три смерти были убийствами!
  • Баттлер: Мы можем объяснить эти убийства преступником X, который спрятался, используя неопознанный труп. В конце концов, у этих троих разбиты лица. Вполне возможно, что один из них был трупом-двойником!
  • Беатриче: Я гарантирую личности всех неопознанных трупов. Поэтому никаких боди-двойных трюков не было!
  • Баттлер: Тогда вы можете объяснить это одновременными убийствами. У каждого из них был пистолет, они направили его по часовой стрелке и одновременно снесли друг другу лица! После этого Мария собрала эти пушки и спрятала!!
  • Беатриче находит его аргумент смешным, но продолжает, не возражая ему.

Первая игра, девятые сумерки

Нацухи вышла из гостиной, читая письмо, и заперла двери гостиной подсвечником. Затем она столкнулась с Беатриче со своим пистолетом. Когда выжившие пробились через дверь, они нашли ее с огнестрельным ранением в голову, а также с запахом дыма, исходящим из ствола ее пистолета.

После отрицания 18-го человека

  • Беатриче: Смерть Нацухи была убийством! Неопознанных трупов нет, а у всех выживших есть алиби.
  • Баттлер: Вы можете объяснить это косвенным убийством из-за ловушки X! Что-то сделали с пистолетом тети Нацухи. Это могло быть ружье-ловушка, созданное для того, чтобы послать пулю прямо в лоб любому, кто попытается поднять его и выстрелить!!
  • Беатриче: Пуля, вонзившаяся в лоб Нацухи, была выпущена не из ее пистолета!
  • Баттлер: Возможно, тетя Нацухи была заманена этим письмом, содержание которого было неизвестно! Ее вызвали в зал. Затем ее заставили стоять в указанном месте в указанное время и убили ловушкой X, в которой использовалось заранее установленное там оружие!!
  • Беатриче удивлена его аргументом и из уважения отдает ему первую игру.

Second Game, First Twilight

Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, and Kyrie were found in the chapel with their stomachs sliced open and Halloween candy stuffed into the wounds. Rosa and the servants were the first to find the magic circle on the chapel, and she found the door to be locked. She retrieved the key from an envelope given to Maria by Беатриче the previous day and used it to open the chapel door.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Баттлер: Someone secretly borrowed Maria's key...and secretly returned it to Maria's bag after the crime was over!!
  • Беатриче: From the time Maria received her key to the instant Rosa unsealed the envelope the next day, the key passed through no one's hands!!
  • Баттлер: That door might've had an auto-lock, just like Gramps' study. In other words, it was unlocked before the crime, with a rock or something wedged in so that it couldn't close completely. Then, someone gave the key to Maria. The lock was automatic, so it's possible to make a theory where the key wasn't needed!
  • Беатриче: There were no doors with auto-locks other than Kinzo's study!
  • Баттлер: The victims locked the door from the inside. One of the six was the culprit, and this person killed the other five, then pretended to be dead!!
  • Беатриче: The six people were already dead by the time they were discovered! All of their deaths were homicides! All six were genuine victims, and did not take part in a mutual murder! There was no simultaneous murder!!
  • Баттлер: There were people, Kumasawa-san in particular, who had no alibi at the time. If we assume that someone was hiding on the inside, then we've got no problems!
  • Беатриче: There was no one hiding in the chapel. Therefore, the shut-in murder like you say does not work!
  • Баттлер: The food they were given had small bombs in it, which exploded from inside their stomachs. In other words, the crime was possible through trap X! The exact nature of bombs they could swallow without noticing and which could also blow open their stomachs is a Devil's Proof! I refuse to explain!!
  • Беатриче laughs but accepts his argument.

Second Game, Second Twilight

Jessica and Kanon were shown to be killed by Беатриче's furniture beforehand. The survivors found Jessica's body face down in her room with a stake stabbed into her back. Kanon's corpse was not found. Jessica's room had been locked and was opened by Rosa with Gohda's master key. A key was found on the side table with a cute mascot next to it, likely Jessica's key to her room.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Баттлер: If the culprit was one of the servants, they could've used a master key. It's not even a closed room!
  • Беатриче moves on

Second Game, Kanon's Appearance

Kanon had been killed for the second twilight, and his death was declared with the red truth by Беатриче. However, he later appeared in the kitchen with a gaping wound, and killed Nanjo and Kuwasawa in the servant room in front of Genji, Shannon, and Gohda. He had red eyes at the time, and was turned into golden butterflies via the application of a spiderweb.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Баттлер: If Kanon-kun's death was proclaimed with the red, there's no way he was alive. Therefore, there's a chance that the one who attacked that group was in a disguise that made everyone mistakenly think it was Kanon-kun!
  • Беатриче: They would definitely never mistakenly think that any other person was Kanon!
  • Баттлер: Then, just like the heredity of Kinzo's name, there's a possibility that Kanon's name was inherited by someone. You could suppose that Kanon-kun was killed, a different person succeeded that name, and that this person attacked them!!
  • Беатриче accepts his argument as valid and proceeds.

Second Game, Fourth to Sixth Twilights

George, Shannon, and Gohda were found in Natsuhi's room. Gohda's corpse was lying face down with a stake in his chest. George's corpse was along the wall, stabbed with a stake in the stomach. Shannon's corpse was slumped face down over a dresser with an open wound in her head and a stake next to it, having fallen out. The three had earlier been killed by Беатриче and her furniture. The door was found locked, and Баттлер opened it with a master key under instructions from Rosa.

Баттлер's culprit X theory

  • Беатриче: The key that unlocked Natsuhi's room was locked up inside the room, and all of the remaining keys that could unlock that door were in Rosa's hand. Even if a culprit X existed, it should have been impossible to construct that closed room.
  • Баттлер: If culprit X were to obtain a master key, that's not even close to a closed room.
  • Беатриче: No, it was impossible for the culprit to obtain one. All of the master keys were under Rosa's control!
  • Баттлер: But that's meaningless if Aunt Rosa was the culprit! Aunt Rosa handed a key over to culprit X by some method, assisting in the closed room murder! And after that, she retrieved the key by a similar method!
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Баттлер applies the same blue truth without using an 18th person, and Беатриче accepts his argument.

Third Game, First Twilight

The five servants and Kinzo were found dead by the adults in six separate rooms, all of which had their doors and windows locked. According to Nanjo, the chest wounds on the servants were likely due to a spear or a gun. Kinzo's corpse was burnt entirely, and had been identified due to him having polydactyly.

The six rooms formed a closed "loop" of locked rooms. An envelope was found alongside each corpse, and contained both a master key (with the exception of Kinzo) and the room key to the next room in the sequence. Shannon's corpse had been discovered first via the breaking of a window, and the remaining corpses were found in the following order as per the room keys discovered:

  1. Mansion parlor: Shannon
  2. Mansion second floor guest room: Kumasawa
  3. Mansion third floor waiting room: Gohda
  4. Mansion second floor VIP room: Genji
  5. Mansion boiler room: Kinzo
  6. Chapel: Kanon

Баттлер's Eva culprit theory

  • Баттлер: The six linked closed rooms (...) all of that can be explained if we suppose that Aunt Eva was the culprit. This argument was already won back then.
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Narration: At the time, I theorized that Gramps was the culprit, and that after killing the other five and stringing the keys across each room, he'd constructed his own closed room in the boiler room... ...And that there, he'd died in an accident while carrying out some kind of scheme, burning to death in the boiler. But now I've declared that Gramps was already dead.
  • Batter: Plenty of people besides Gramps could've committed the crime! You could even claim that all the adults holding the family conference were in on it!
  • Беатриче: All five master keys were discovered, each in the pocket of one of the servants! The individual keys were found inside envelopes alongside the corpses! In short, all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms!! No key could be returned from outside the room using the crack of the door, the crack of the window, vents or any place of the sort!!
  • Баттлер: Then they were killed with poison gas! Even if a key couldn't pass through, gas could, right?! The murder was carried out from outside the closed room!!
  • Беатриче: All of them had what appeared to be gunshot wounds that were fatal! Murdering them from outside the room would have been impossible!! I shall say more with the red! When the five other than Kinzo were killed, the killer was definitely in the same room as them! I already proclaimed in red at the time that there were no suicides!!
  • Баттлер: After the murder of each person in their respective rooms, the culprit created a linked closed room. But the culprit had no way to return just the key to the very last room. And yet, they were able to do it. After all, the first person to discover a corpse just had to pretend to find the key and pull it from the pocket of one of the corpses!!
  • Беатриче fails to counter Баттлер's argument.

Third Game, Second Twilight

Rosa and Maria's corpses were found by Rudolf in the rose garden. According to Nanjo, the causes of death were a stab to the medulla oblongata by the fence for Rosa and bare-handed strangling for Maria. The two had earlier been killed by EVA Беатриче in multiple cruel ways using the Endless Magic, and had been given this less brutal death by Беатриче. Rosa's gun had also been found at the scene with none of its ammunition expended. Hideyoshi had tested the gun and found it to be in working condition and not tampered with.

Баттлер had argued during the third game that Hideyoshi's alibi for Eva was a cover, and that she had committed the murders of the third game. EVA Беатриче was unable to deny his argument.

Баттлер's Eva culprit theory

  • Баттлер: (...) the murders of Aunt Rosa and Maria, (...) all of that can be explained if we suppose that Aunt Eva was the culprit. This argument was already won back then.
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

Third Game, Fourth to Sixth Twilights

The bodies of Rudolf, Kyrie, and Hideyoshi were found in the entrance hall by Баттлер, Eva, George, and Nanjo. They had wounds to their head, abdomen, and chest respectively, and stakes had been driven into these wounds. The corpses were not found next to each other, and their clothing was disordered, suggesting that they may have tried to resist or escape from the culprit.

The three of them had gone to the mansion earlier to get food, with Rudolf and Hideyoshi carrying guns. Hideyoshi later gave his gun to Kyrie so that he could push the cart. Rudolf and Kyrie were then killed by the Chiesters under orders from EVA Беатриче. Hideyoshi had confronted EVA afterwards, causing her to use magic to remotely fire Rudolf's gun at him.

Баттлер's Eva culprit theory

  • Баттлер: (...) Dad and the rest's deaths in the hall, (...) all of that can be explained if we suppose that Aunt Eva was the culprit. This argument was already won back then.
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

Third Game, George's Disappearance

George went missing from the guesthouse and was later found dead in the mansion parlor. The doors and windows to the guesthouse were all locked from the inside.

Before Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Беатриче: George did not go down the stairs of the guesthouse. He flew out through the window!
  • Баттлер: There was a lawn, so we couldn't tell if he'd jumped down, and it was raining so hard. Any light traces would've disappeared.
  • Беатриче: All windows and doors leading to the outside were locked from the inside. Furthermore, it is impossible to lock any of those from outside!
  • Баттлер: In that case, everything works out as long as someone locked the window after George-aniki escaped through it!
  • Беатриче fails to deny Баттлер's theory.

Third Game, Seventh and Eight Twilights

The bodies of Krauss and Natsuhi were found in the rose garden arbor by Баттлер, Jessica, Eva, and Nanjo. According to Nanjo, the markings on their necks indicated the cause of death to be strangulation. In addition, stakes had been found stabbed into Krauss's thigh and Natsuhi's calf. The two had been killed by the Chiesters under orders from EVA Беатриче while they were in the parlor, and then dragged out to the rose garden.

Баттлер's Eva culprit theory

  • Баттлер: (...) the murders of Uncle Krauss and Aunt Natsuhi...all of that can be explained if we suppose that Aunt Eva was the culprit. This argument was already won back then.
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

Third Game, Nanjo's Murder

Nanjo was killed by EVA Беатриче in the corridor outside the servant room. Jessica, who was inside the room, heard the commotion, but had been blinded by the discharge from Eva's rifle during their struggle earlier. Eva had run off after that, and Баттлер had followed her.

Баттлер's culprit X theory

  • Баттлер: And even that final riddle that you proposed through EVA, the murder of Doctor Nanjo, can be explained with an 18th unknown person X.
  • Беатриче does not counter his argument.

After Беатриче denies an 18th person

  • Баттлер: True, the others probably were dead. However, their deaths were not proclaimed in red at the instant Doctor Nanjo died. Strictly speaking, it was in the fight between me and EVA after Doctor Nanjo's corpse was found. In other words, if someone was alive at the time Doctor Nanjo was killed, and then died before EVA made that proclamation, you can sew right through that crack!! In other words, it's like this. Someone who was first confirmed dead by EVA's proclamation was a culprit. They cleverly played dead earlier and waited for us to come and go...! Before their death was announced in red, we were made to think that they'd died. Then, they killed Doctor Nanjo...and later died for some reason! After that, EVA proclaimed their death in red!!
  • Беатриче fails to counter Баттлер's argument.

Fourth Game, First Twilight

Kinzo arrived at the dining hall where all the family adults and servants had gathered. He summoned several fantasy characters who killed Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, Rosa, and Genji. Gohda and Kumasawa managed to escape and reported the situation to the cousins, though they were evasive about the details. The other survivors of the massacre were sent to a dungeon by Gaap, and they spoke to the cousins about this via a connected phone line.

Баттлер found the corpses in the dining hall during his investigation on the second day. All had their heads half smashed.

Баттлер's culprit X theory

  • Баттлер: The 18th person X went wild with a gun and killed everyone. As for the pitfalls, there is a chance that pitfalls truly were hidden there, and it's possible to explain it using Kyrie-san's theory, supposing that poison dart-shooting device X which can knock out a person out instantly, exists.
  • Беатриче switches her focus to Kinzo's existence (see earlier section).

Fourth Game, Second Twilight

Jessica and George were called out by Kyrie and Shannon to Jessica's room and the rose garden arbor respectively in order to take headship tests ordered by Kinzo. There they fought Ronove and Gaap, but ended up killing each other due to a well-timed teleportation.

George's body was restored by Gaap and then pierced in the forehead with her heel. His corpse was found by Баттлер with that head wound on the way to his headship test on the first night.

Jessica's body was sent back to her room and temporarily revived. During this time, she told Баттлер about what had happened, including the magical abilities and of George's corpse, and warned him that those she faced were not human. She then died with her face half-smashed, and was found by Баттлер in this state on the second day.

Баттлер's culprit X theory

  • Баттлер: The murders of George-aniki, Jessica, and those who escaped from the dungeon can also be explained using guns, just like the dining hall.
  • Баттлер: George-aniki and Jessica's deaths in the fourth game can also be explained by culprit X!!
  • Беатриче initially does not deny his theory, but eventually uses the red to deny the existence of an extra person (see earlier section).

Fourth Game, Fourth to Eight Twilights

Kanon, Shannon, Krauss, and Nanjo had been killed by the Chiesters upon escaping from the dungeon, with Kanon's corpse falling down the well. Kyrie managed to escape to the mansion where she called Баттлер and told him of the situation. She told him that she would not be alive for long, and was currently being attacked by a golden thread flying through the keyhole. Баттлер heard a loud noise, and Kyrie did not respond again.

Баттлер found their bodies on the second day. Kyrie's corpse was in a guest room, a stake pierced through her forehead. Krauss's body was found near the back door with his head half-destroyed, and a stake had been buried in the damaged area. Shannon and Nanjo's corpses were found near an old well with both their heads half-smashed. A stake was found lying on the ground next to each corpse. The well was covered with a metal grate and Баттлер's attempts to break through were unsuccessful. He was unable to find Kanon's corpse in the end.

During Баттлер's investigation on the second day

  • Narration: Kanon is dead. Among the five people in Kyrie's group, he was the first to die. In short, he was the 9th victim.

Баттлер's culprit X theory

  • The murders of George-aniki, Jessica, and those who escaped from the dungeon can also be explained using guns, just like the dining hall.
  • And the five who escaped from the dungeon and were killed, and the two in the gardening shed, and Maria in the end! All of those can be explained with 18th person X!! There's nothing strange there at all!!
  • Беатриче initially does not deny his theory, but eventually uses the red to deny the existence of an extra person (see earlier section).

Fourth Game, Ninth Twilight

The cousins had been told to lock up Gohda and Kumasawa in the rose garden storehouse by the prisoners via phone call, as per Kinzo's orders. They then handed the single key to the shutter to Gohda via the window.

On the way to his headship test, Баттлер passed by the storehouse and saw through the window that both Gohda and Kumasawa were hanging from nooses. He managed to break through the shutter with a hatchet on the second day. As a result, he realized that both their feet were actually touching the floor, and they had actually been killed by what seemed like gunshot wounds to their heads. He found the key in Gohda's pocket with the tag still attached.

Kinzo's burnt corpse had been found in the boiler room. Maria's corpse was in the dining hall with the first twilight corpses, though she had no visible wounds on her.

  • Баттлер: And the five who escaped from the dungeon and were killed, and the two in the gardening shed, and Maria in the end! All of those can be explained with 18th person X!! There's nothing strange there at all!!
  • Беатриче initially does not deny his theory, but eventually uses the red to deny the existence of an extra person (see earlier section).

The Existence of Magic

  • Беатриче: Then Баттлер, ...how do you explain my several acts of magic...? ......The very first time those appeared...was in the second game, when I fixed Maria's pumpkin marshmallow. At that time, Rosa definitely witnessed that magic.
  • Беатриче: Rosa alone witnessing it isn't very credible, right...? That's why I increased the number of witnesses to the uppermost limit later on. ...Which is what...happened in this last game... The summoning of my minions! And brutal murders due to magic! All of those were witnessed by a great many people...!! That is itself...proof that my magic exists...!!
  • Баттлер: 'Magic exists because magic exists'. Didn't the rules of our Braun tube trial say that you couldn't use that kind of argument?
  • Баттлер: No matter who or how many people witnessed magic, that cannot become proof of magic's existence!! Whether all the magic you've shown exists or not, I can ignore it all and explain things with Humans.
  • Беатриче cannot counter his move.

Беатриче's Final Riddle

  • Беатриче: Ushiromiya Баттлер. I will now...kill you.
  • Беатриче: And right now, there is no one other than you on this island. The only one alive on this island is you. Nothing outside the island can interfere.
  • Беатриче: You are all alone on this island.And of course, I am not you. Yet I am here, now, and am about to kill you.
  • Беатриче: ......Who...aaam I...?

